domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017


--- WIL ---

* Mediocridad impuesta
El cuento del elefante atado a la estaca
Cambia la manera de expresarte ->
activar la mente
ex:ferrari -
 numca voy apoder comprar ese coche = relajacion
 como puedo hacer para conseguir ese ferrari? = poner la mente a trabajar
Intentar cambiar lo que somos = analizar dialogo interno, prejuicios, creencias, cambiar formma de expresarnos/hablar
Evaluar d eforma objetiva cual de estos pensamientos son nuestras estacas que nso inmovilizan!!!

* How to Grow Your Brand on YouTube and VLOG like a Boss! — Amy Schmittauer Interview
Make the argument why is valuable for them + focus in one action call

Build your list, whatever is best for you: email, phone, address... whatever is good for you
Be a proveng influence
 Start from your bussiness, give balue, respect your audience = become influencer
 They have to matter to your audience
 Stand out: make something so good, something you will share with your comunity!!!
 Bring some intertaiment, bring your personality
Make your client feal special

* How to Find Your Niche on YouTube and 7 YouTube Channel Ideas

What to do with your life? university?youtube? own studies? travel?
be specific in your nich
be consistent, post the hour of your audience

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