sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017



* 195: Google I/O and its impact to Asia with Ben Bajarin - Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong

Bernard Leong
Ben Bajarin

Google invest less in Android
 Less valuable clients
Qualcom invest more
Big gap between IOs and Android
Android will not have. arenovation
 will impact in samsung, huawei (min 11:30)
  great hw
  but expirience
 Developers usually develope for 80$ phoen, no 700€ phone
Google they want they service to work in as many places as posible
 4 big platforms - google, ios, windos, amazon
 google need to try to work inthe other platforms that consumers use

Emerging markets - google go (15:30)
 africa, india -> 30-60$ - user customer expirience bad
  need some standarts, unify,
  have more control (benefit them and the customer)

TPU - acelerator for machine learning
 speed up talking to AI
Android market will go?
 Andy rubin -> diferenciance in components
  cretae successful BRAND compite to Samsung, Apple, Huawei
  then scale

 dont know the answer of google to ARK (ios)
  dificult to catch IOS
 not big oportunity yet
  no expensive
  nich product
 vr will go through the phone

 * 196: Apple WWDC 2017 and its impact on Asia with Ben Bajarin - Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong

Lots of HW
Smart speacker
 ai vs good sound ->
 people are buying cos is easy to interact, the easiest is music
 good emerging sound
 where the market is today
IOS 11 - aproach normal user pc to use it with ipad
 big market, main stream customer

ARKit - amazing throught the phone
 New gold rush - take ar mainstream
 Get use to it, then VR
 Start with a device that millions have already in their hands
 Many software in IOs that wont be in Android

New aGPU - atachable gpu

WECHAT - 30% of time use in china!!!

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