domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

2018.03.05 (W10)

2018.03.05 (W10)


### Why don't more startups target the enterprise? - Quora

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* Why don't more startups target the enterprise? - Quora |
"#1  Deep-ish Domain Expertise Generally Required.  You can't start a CRM company unless you have deep CRM experience on the team.  With customers, end users, years in the trenches.  On the other hand, you can simply "copy and improve" a lot of consumer apps.  It worked for Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.

#2.  You Can't Do Cr*p With a Seed Round in The Enterprise. $750k gets you very far along, post MVP, in a consumer start-up.  In the enterprise, it gets you almost nowhere.  A prototype, yes.  Customers?  Maybe not.  A sales team?  No way.  Demand gen marketing?  Fuggedaboutit.  It's $2m to get anywhere.  Maybe you self-fund that from cash flow ... you don't necessarily need VC $$$ -- but one way or another you'll need about $2m minimum to get true traction.  There's no huge viral coefficient in selling to businesses.

These 2 factors simply mean there aren't going to be as many enterprise start-ups.  'Cause 2 guys and a couple of Macs can't get it off the ground."

* How did Richard Branson choose his CEOs for his many ventures? - Quora |
Saying no to traditional job interviews -  “what didn’t you get a chance to include on your resume?
Reinventing who a CEO is - who will make the difference and create this little spark that a business needs.
Skills don’t determine a person, but personality does! - “most skills can be learned, but it is difficult to train people on personality”.
Looking at the big picture - Will he/she be able to draw lines between his experience and skills to develop them in another environment?

* What's the difference between Owner, CEO, and COO? - Quora |
Regarding differences, what is different in the three job roles are:
 Who they are answerable to
 What kind of responsibilities they have
 How they work on a daily basis

* How can my computer have 8 CPUs but only 4 cores? I'm confused about these two concepts. - Quora |
The parallel execution of two threads completed in about 20% faster (20% more throughput).
This mean that each thread was running 40% slower (40% less throughput of a single thread, or 66% more latency).
This means that with CPU threads you trade 20% throughput for 66% latency. I'm not sure it is a good trade.

* What are some lesser known facts about Steve Jobs? - Quora |

* When you have not a penny in your pocket, nobody gives you a job, and you have a small family, how to start business from that situation? - Quora |
Tom Nault - LinkedIn |
Tom Nault

*Why are jobs at Google, Facebook, Amazon seen as equally appealling while getting into Google is very unlikely and getting into Amazon is cake? - Quora |

* What are some of the 'ultimate sins' when it comes to marketing and/or sales in early stage companies? - Quora |
A. Hiring a B player for VP of Sales because this is the best person you can find.
B. Keep a weak VP of Sales once you realize you’ve made a mistake.
C. Setting the initial revenue targets for your VP of Sales.
D. Thinking you have a repeatable sales process when you don’t.
E. Hiring for growth that doesn’t happen.
F. Farming out a portion of your sales activity to an outside consultant.

Onto marketing screw ups. At the top of the list is…
A. Paying for leads
B. Not having a marketing plan.
C. Jumping from plan to plan.
D. Having too many marketing channels at once.
E. Not measuring your results.
F. You’re not spending enough money on marketing.

* How much commission on sales should be given to our first sales person who doesn't have a salary? - Quora |
I think therefore, since you and My company too, are "sharing the risk" with the new sales person(salary or payment comes when the company gets revenue) the salary or bonus therefore should be 30-50% above what you would normally pay a good staff( in this case $10,000)
So if my monthly revenue is $800,000/ month. I should be giving him 2% of Mrr($16,000)

Pay them somethin
You need to lay SOMEthing on the table that they earn when they walk through the door.  Then they work for you.

* Is it worth doing the Machine Learning Crash Course by Google or is Andrew Ng’s Coursera course better? - Quora |
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