jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Accelerator - Entrepreneurship

03 BUSINESS STRATEGY.mp3 (2016.03.02)
Bussness Strategies -> (the 4 p: Marketing + P)
HR (HUman resorces) -> very important to get lots of money companies
FR (finacial resourece) = cash!!! -> managing and raise capital
PR (phisical resource) -> ur office (if u r small) + inventory
Productivities Objectives -> one manager instead of doing 100 task in one day do 200 -
 -   bring the best of every people
 - how do u set up productive system
 - Managing by abdication find th way to highly incentivate teh employer and CEO
        - Start managing urself (ex:james franco)
Social Responsability - 3 levesl: wl - w! - ww
Profit requarement objective - money is q requirement (full to run ur bussiness)

Q1 - wot are u natualaly skill in?
Q2 - wot ar u the weakess at? Profit
Q3 - how are u goint to bring all in effect. ur plan for a holistic 8. (reed, mentor...)

04 RAISING CAPITAL.mp3 (2016.03.02)

Knowledge - When? why?
You have to know how to do it
Double sword blade (its like a pitbull) - make it cut to the oposite direction to you else u will cut urself!
 99% dont know about it.
Try to get raise invested money after the wall has been into te wall and you have come to a great idea.
 We need a bit of presuare (not too much)

Pree revenuao (get at least some money)-> post reneue
 Get the capital in the middle
 Do it in rounds
PrR - friens and families and self (credit)
PoR - others people money

Easier to... bring talent, marketing, long term proyect...

It can make u lazy!
How much ownership you have of ur bussiness (facebook start with very little so most of it.)

necesity is the mother of invention - always hire a comercial with anew baby
entrepenour - someone creating a vision in their head of the world they wanted to be
you are more free when you a dreaming

Q1 - Current atitude b4 the lesson? why what that aproach?
 Complitely agrre, fisrt get some cash then leverage/scaleta (raise capital and go big)
Q2 - What stage ar u curretly in and wot will make more sense? Where will u get it?


Dont have extreame ideologies (Gary Vaynerchuk ) (dont be black and white)
 Live is about the seassons.
Physical Location - you will need to rool out over time (u can start home bud them sometime u will move)
 Understand the proo and cons of all the option (home, cofy place, library, office)
 Land  - labor - capital

* Home/Garage - P:trafic, in (u r workin and u r in), cost
C: x num of people, legal issues (dif to find insurance), customers coming, safety,
  more dificult to attrack talents
  you can have burn up situation if u work to hard.

TRy to have everything you need no more than 2 miles from ur house! (VEERY IMPORTANT)
Try to move to and cowork/office as soon as u can! but not at the begining. (maybe in 1y)

* Co- Work space:
Share cost space.

* Sub/Leasing: (rent for small time)

* Traditional office: (clean, nice, close to the house...)
 P: impress more workers, customers, investors..., liability, help ur mind focus (separation),
 C:lack of conviniant if is far.

Q1 - wot stage r u curretly in?
Q2 - wot r th ePnC of each from ur expirience
Q3 - next step for you? (ex:multiple location in diferent cities)


Know how to dela with other people -> customer, employee, vendors (lawyer, accountant..), investors, bussiness partnerss
Peter Draker (interpersonal skills)

Ones you have them, wot do u do?

Which framework to follow? who to listen?
Sam Walton -> over the shoulder! ->>> Then go with the guts (If it seems wrong/off it is wrong! (90% of the time))
 Not to control not to sloopy (laid back). ---> Balanced
 Double check on staff - trust people but verify.
 If ur guts are all the time on fire -> brin the problem outside, have a second opinion.
 The faster you find out and solve teh issue the better 4 everyone.

Have  a conversatio with them and explain the history.
 Dont go to the people agresively
Find the sweet spot (fligh zone) - give enought space, be good in reading people
 Maybe check every 2 days, 2 weeks...
 It will help also not to find scams but also to improve wot they are doing.

Nobody loves you and ur bussiness more that you do!

Q1- Wot is an example of u in are aof life u have been to laid back and u have been taking advantage of.
Q2- When u were to controling
Q3- Goood person 4 u to brin as a trusted advisor?

07 HOW TO KNOW WHAT BUSINESS TO BE IN.mp3 (2016.03.02) (MONEY 67 day - money finacila freedom)

Which  bussines i should be in?
Strategy -  the person that the strategy bring u to reality ---> On eyou found the strength ZOOM OUT and look around.
 The worst thing it can happen to u in live is that you get very good in the bad thing!

Diferencient beweent : industry n producs
EX: intagram (in found the product - mob app but not the product, they have to change from conctact to Pictures)
    stay in ur circle and pivot allaround until one idea hit the bullseyes!

Dont switch industry lively! maybe change the product but not th eindustry.
Ex: i:kwoleed base circle of confident (inside education) - p:social networks, 67 steps...
Your base circle is smaller that wot u think (circle of copitent 10.000-15000h = 7-10y!!)
 THere is no money in y2 of anything
Become good in one industry, or aleast in one littel part of that industry.

Knowledge is condest and package - u drew out all th information.

You can only build on a strenght
Think on it and then sleep on it - best way to statistically increes your

us government industry list
Q1 - Which one is your circle of confident
   - time in ur live when u have been working outside ur method of confidence
     how succelssul ot not succesfull u were.
Q2 - do u think u r workig in ur circle on confident and why?
Q3 - wot is ur hipotesis of wot ur circle of confidence is?

us government industry list

08 STRUCTURE.mp3 (2016.03.04)

You need the initial structure to be good - else teh rest doesnt matter

The maze = The company strecture
It change constantly
Depends of: country, age, partners

1-Buss has to be separated from you -> SL o SA? - IN the US they like a separate human been!
Keep everything separated!!!
 Diferent credit card - diferent bank account -

2-Use a lawer for all the specifics - u need alegal budget
 Transsational - corporate lawyer
 Try to keep it close
 US - llc, headfunfd (), c corportion, s corporation

3-U can start b4 u have this if ur thing is not to big (specialy if is only you)
Not deal with other humans - b4 u go public
You dont need a bussiness licence

4-Get an accountant!
Dont do ur own taxes - DIY NOOOOO!
Dont use shitty tax problems.
Try to get an inperson accountant.
It will help you have a cashflow

Q1-Did u form teh company with a lawyer or u have intention to use it to form a company?
Q2- How are u keeping ur thimngs sepate now
Q3- are u nbeeen using an accounta why- why not?

Most entreprenours get broke b4 5y and 99% b4 7y
Dont date ur employers

09 POWER OF THE SAMPLE.mp3 (2016.03.04)

Sampling = Beta state of bussiness

Your marker is not full of inovator- target early adopters (try brand new staff - still small market)
 If you pass the EA you will arived to the big masess and get the money!

If you have lots of money behinf you (ex:100m) maybe you wont need to use samples

How do u do it?
Free staff or big shavings! or even give staff
 (ex:banks new accounts)(ex2:amazon "pay" for customers - they put the price under benefit margins just to still the customers)
You dont give all or 4ever (slide of pizza - free for one week)
Calculate well how much money ur goint to "waste"/loose with the sampling - 10-20% of ur total budget? (maybe more)
Be creative in how to give the FREE
You will get client list for advertisement and testimonials.

How long?
UNtil u calibrate quick
 small product - (maybe 1moyh or 2)
 big - (18M - xY)

Pursopuse of the business is to CREATE CUSTOMERS! not to sell cars, service...

Value calibration + Feedback (CDR - customer driven results)
 -> u have to get ur pricing right
 -> you give something free and u ask how much is worthit for them/ how much they make them
    / how much it saves the (ex: new battery price...)...
 -> use the 1/10 rule (if it makes them 1000E charge for th eproduct 100$ - make and average of diferent customers)
    like this u will now how to price it.
    plus, if is horrible - u will have time to fix it!
     If ur product is perfect when u lounch it, u have waited to much!


Q1- an easample of something that u started and u didnt give anything for free and u see now u could get more traction with the samples
Q2-How can u afford for today going forward in new product which structure u will set up (when, how long, for x people ...)
Q3-When u gave it for free, example of CDR that help u fix the product or help you pricing correctly the product.

Philosophies: burn the boat, no debt... mix opinion
We dont like new things! (we iniaritaed from our uncestors)
 Most people are Riski averse:people will We like staying with the things we now.

they will always be a substitude.
 ex: twiiter (subs mail)
 ex: glases (in was brand new -no subs)


Gary vinurchut -You must have an strategy - books and practice
Posting its not a strategy, its a necesity.
U want customer interaction/engadged.
Its not just about timetable -
give value
TW - more than 100re is big!
Ask urself Wot wont work?

-its ok:quotes or others
-U want:
VRAN - (try to get at least 30 point , value each from 0-10)
 valuable - If u didnt know urself and went top someone else twiit, will u click/stop it?
 rare  - can i find it somewhere else -how ofetn is this been posted on the internet.
 inimitable - can someone else do it? (ex: apicture of me with/doing ...)
 nonsubstitutable - can the get the same info from somewhere else?
If you have quality try to post most -be picky! (try to post at least a 30)
 Else social media bladness.

Q1-example of a sm that u think this things will work for u
Q2-best post u have ever seen
Q3-something u can post that can be a high vrand

How to wind (VRAN - The vault)


Most people dont do it alone!
Other people are importatnt.
Only wot you do is wot matter!!!
Get the investor/raise the money b4 you need it.
 When u are laid back - dont be in desperation mode! u will attract more
 Have people waiting in the winds
Focus on wot u can control (Stephen Covey)
Not everybody need invesrtors (very wierd)
Secure deb - Banks count as investotr (secure line of credit), credit cards (use them for rainy days) - try to increase it
Unsecure debt - friends, family...
Be a machien to solve dificult problems.

How to raise the money:
Wot type of inversion
Where to find them
Wot way to rasie the moiney
Strategy to choos ethe lawyer

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Paperback – March 15, 2005
by Stephen. R. Covey (Author)

Q1-Wot ype are u, capital yes-no?
Q2-Do u need it now? no, where iam now?
Q3-Wot can u do to make urself not look desperate (talk to multuple people)


Strategy and plans -> then actually/realise

FLBS (Front Loaded Bussines Strategy):
Be in the realm of reality
Work hard at the begining - a person can do anything as long is not for ever (jhon solicitude)

Missing - Chase a fantasy
 no work, a few hours a day - other people will copy easy and improve it "easyly"
 Non stop hard worh for the next 20y - burn out, not scalable

1-Excitable expert of energy
 10 days work vaction to charge ur brain to get to this stage (ME - it took me longer to recover from TEF3)
 Try to identify - why i where excited in the beggining
 Get back to the reward/moving away from pain -
2-The manual that addresse the loopholes
Strategy manual -
 address the loophole that dont allow u to front load
  no full time employee -  some of them in the house
  no having a routine (stick at leat 80% of the time)
  build the bussiness in repeat customers
3-Make some hard choices
Addapt ur bussiness model so in can be FLBS
 Test to addap to the new buss.
Try to arrived to Lv3 bussiness and tweck it
Most bussiness has to reals esomething big from theirs bussiness
Most ideas can be tweck

Q1-in yr current buss model, are u a fantasy or are u in FL buss?
Q2-How motivated/excited are u aboit the original idea?
Q3-wot hard choice you need to make today to go a a FL model.


Curious about ->
daydreaming (talk to random people) ->
buy books (3/4 book in the subject) + videos youtube + wiki (competitive research) ->
pen payper (1h writing - maping out quick things)
seelp on it for afew days

2-Zoom out of the bussines
creating the seed (mvp - minimun valuable product)
early adopter - free
feedback - from the circle of confident
improve mvp
how to create virality (base on creticisim and compliments)

3-Betaland (almost good for comercial) - trying to build virality
free or very cheap price - get money from xtrangers
customer support systems (important) - create the baselane
 not u - someone else
Pick up the phone and ask for feedback
Modifucation of the product
Split test (small marketing)
NO mass adquisition of customers - make my mistakes small - not embarasing urself
 start getting testimonials - good news

4-Busting (on the fundation)
Pay for advertising (low budget)
Analice - ROI
Pivot - strat over from wot u have learn (marketing)
 Sitting in the chair with notepad + sleep 4 a few days
 go to 2,3
Iterating untill you hit the bullseyes
Advertis emore

5-Expansion stage
Expnad customet support team
Staffing (hire people + hr tecnic + moving to an office location + managmente ---> 10 employers (1mang 2 workers))
 Try to have 2 for everything -> 2 out on the buss 80 in the buss
Routine + schedule + good line of comncication + meetings (mor + eve)
Discipline - nice and firm

Make sutre finaces are good (lineup cpa + accountant ---> maybe cfo)
 bank account
Insurance (customers - employer)
Reinvesting (strategy)
Tax planing
Redundact (mak eurself redundant - partnert levels or ce levels)
Investmnet plan (plan for capital even if u dont need it - have umbrella b4 rain come)

7-Removing urself
How to replace yourself
Operational manual
Start not apearence on pourpouse - holding them reposible
incetivate packages
Get othet faces on the bussiness
More and more consultant
Travelling and met menntor
board of advisor
If yu want to sell -
 Scalable, ur replacebale, exit strategy (year b4 u want to sell - thinking about pricing, book on date, find potential buyer, finf ppsoibel chairman)
 u become startegy
 u go to number 1 and start again

Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You Paperback – December 24, 2012
by John Warrillow

Q1-Which of this stage u do well and why
Q2-Whick ones ur horrible and u skip
Q3-Do a mini braindump of the msot successfull thing u have ever done.

14 STACKING THE TRENDS.mp3 (2016.03.08)

You can be to early and fail :(
Anything in the last 10 years
The 10 10 ruel trends (10 years to develope the tchenology + 10 take it to the masses ) first 10 is like  a lab
You have to get 3 trends and put it into one bussiness (it can be 2 or 4)
 EX: internet, app, mobile games, books, ecomerce, amazon, youtube, selfies, home delibery, podcast, luxury, urban, videogames, demographic trends, virality, easy to share, ...

Q1-wot are 10 trends that u notice in the last 10y
Q2-of those trends which ones catch ur eyes teh most.
Q3-something u can do to start reseraching to stack a few of them in the next 24h



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