domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

2018.01.22 (W04)

2018.01.22 (W04)


* Most important of each ---->
what do you want them to:
 think - inform, update, persuade, convince, intructed
 feel - motivated, wanted to talk, happy, intrigue, nptice personal qualities....
 do - action - be specific (what with who when ION last slide)

* How to Build a Genius Brand
1.Get personal - target the individual (loyality programe, higly targeted msgs)
2.Make it easy - take all the friction out of the way (site efficiency and shopabble)
3.Facilitate handoff - populate with good info sites where your customer can buy from you
4.Investing strategically - mobile and video higgher ROI (innovate for mobile espicence)
5.Going back to the store - integrate online and offline


domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

2018.01.15 (W03)

2018.01.15 (W03)



* La Historia de los Relojes de Lujo más Conocidos del Mundo - Caso ROLEX - YouTube |
1. 3 patas
2. Marca fuerte = barrer ade entrada de competidores (como luchar contra ualcomm?)
3. Aportar valor - Como le vamos a apaortar valor. ala persona qu epitcheamos?

* What are things that annoy you when entrepreneurs pitch to you Angels/VC? - Quora |


- Avoiding The 9 Worst Pitching Thin Spots
Explaining Your Market Moment - To be credible, your pitch must answer the “why you, why now?  ---> market situation, tech advantage
Detailing Your Go-To-Market -    ---> Ally with the uni + Be know (marketing + youtube) + contact meet everyone???
Assuming Fast Consumer Behavior Change - "delusional economics ---> explain buying cycle
Paying Insufficient Attention to Buying Priorities - buying your product is a top priority. ---> it will be standart
Omitting Marketing Skills ---> We will get ... Carlo
Building a Realistic Model ---> Make good excell
Assuming It Will Translate  -  next customer segment will not be as easy ---> Put more money for next phases
Engineering a Sustainable Competitive Advantage ---> Patent + Roadmap of next steps
Failing to Think Exit Scenarios Through ---> Sell the IP, the closer to the chaep more money they will pay (all big companies, diferent uses)

- 25 Mistakes To Avoid When Pitching Investors
Managing Your Audience
 copy of the presentation guidelines
 Do some research and networking + Champions
 Review the preferences and portfolios of the investors
 No sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA

Managing Your Material
 25 words - crisply explain what your company does in less than 25 words and
 50 word  - state your value proposition in less than 50
   Create a mental picture - passion is contagious. Transmit yours with an image, metaphor or analogy ---> IONDROID makes any phone a tesla (pure power and battery)
   Tell the story - the experience, your key question and how your idea improves the current experience ---> Shitty espiriencien with 600$ phone, study everything, new ai tek
   Connect the dots to the opportunity - customers that benefit from your idea, why they will pay for the improvement ---> the fist to be different, the rest natural adoption
   Post-Pitch Questions - Prepare a few open-ended questions in advance
 Build a tight, clean deck + no animation + 10 deck
 engage your listener with your story ---> Pitch anything
 simple demo or screenshot ---> Scrreenshot (weather)
 don't guess an answer unless you say you are guessing -> explain the basis for your guess
 Don't over-promise
 Don't present numbers that you have not sanity-checked
 Avoid presenting numbers you cannot account for or explain how you arrived at. ---> IDC +

Managing Yourself
 Dont rush,  build your story on a foundation -
 Use your allocated time
 Listen carefully to the full question (Repeat it if necessary to ensure you got it right)
 A sense of humor is great, but avoid being flip, cocky
 Never preface an answer with the reminder that "you are not a business person."
 Don't mumble
 Body language matters: smile and show some passion
 smile while a question is being asked  + difficult question = good question
 Don't be offended or take questions personally
 Don't rebut or argue with questions - EDUCATE

Christopher Mirabile, Active angel, start-up founder, Chair of Angel Capital Association
Answered Jan 15
Thanks for the A2A. Two main categories of issues: content thin spots and pitching mistakes. Here’s what I mean:

Avoiding The 9 Worst Pitching Thin Spots

Assuming you have mastered the mechanics, flow, and choreography of your pitch, and you have a business that is fundable, and you know how to deliver the pitch and get through the filters investors apply, what is left to go wrong? Failing to go deep enough into certain essential areas. Shallow skimming in these difficult areas is so common some of the summary expressions entrepreneurs use have become cliches. There's no reason to fall into that trap; we know nobody wants to dive into a shallow pool. So let's go through these all-too-frequently short-changed items one at a time.

Explaining Your Market Moment
To be credible, your pitch must answer the “why you, why now?” questions which provide context for the business. What has changed in the universe that makes this business suddenly not only possible, but a great idea? Why are you the gal or guy to do it?

Detailing Your Go-To-Market
You have to be specific about how you are going to crack your market. Selling is really hard, especially to certain types of customers. You are going to need to convince people that you have a very specific and detailed plan or business model innovation that is going to allow you to acquire your intended customers affordably (relative to their lifetime value).

Assuming Fast Consumer Behavior Change
Making assumptions about how your customers' behavior is magically going to change has been referred to as "delusional economics." After the few early adopters, mainstream customers have incredible inertia. The power of the status quo can be immense. The arrival of the internet/wireless/mobile is not going to suspend the laws of physics and gravity in your industry. It is not safe to assume that if you build a more efficient clearinghouse / marketplace / trading platform / matching service, everyone’s behavior will instantly and automatically change. Convincing customers to buy from you is going to be hard and expensive. You need to explain what secret sauce makes it less hard.

Paying Insufficient Attention to Buying Priorities
Certainly someone will want your product. Unfortunately, your immediate addressable market is limited to the people for whom buying your product is a top priority. How many of them are there? Although a lot of businesses identify a real, legitimate problem for customers, they still fail because other higher priority problems gobble up customer wallet share.

Omitting Marketing Skills
When talking about your go-to-market, you either need to convince investors that you have the marketing experience on the team, OR that you know you don't and you plan to go get it. Everyone thinks they know how to market. Most don't. Identify the marketers who can help you.

Building a Realistic Model
Most entrepreneurs totally underestimate what it will cost to achieve success. Investors have seen and experienced many business models and know it is always harder, takes longer and costs more than anticipated. It is crucial to really think through the necessary people, time and financial resources required, and to come prepared with a realistic plan. Use both a bottom-up and a top-down approach. Then sanity check it against benchmarks. Underestimating costs and showing an improbably fast time to big revenue and profitability doesn't impress people with your model – it impresses them with your naivete.

Assuming It Will Translate
Even if you can paint a credible case for your initial target market, don't assume that the next vertical, next geography or next customer segment will be as easy. Logic dictates that you are starting in the easiest place. By definition, any expansion will be harder and farther out of your comfort zone and experience base. Be realistic about your expansion assumptions. Yes, your brand and momentum will help a little, but no where near as much as you think. (See: Build a Realistic Model).

Engineering a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Even if you can fight to win a segment, if you cannot make any money at it over the long-haul, you've still lost. Too many entrepreneurs talk as if their market is standing still, when, in fact, any market worth tackling will always be evolving and growing more competitive. It is critical to talk about how you will defend your position, your pricing, and your margins against the inevitable competitive reactions. It might be intellectual property, it might be some kind of tolerable customer lock-in or switching cost, it might be a product roadmap that keeps your value prop more compelling over time. Whatever it is, you need to explain it, and the explanation needs to be believable.

Failing to Think Exit Scenarios Through
Most entrepreneurs don't think through their exit strategy adequately. If you succeed, who buys you? Ultimately this is the bottom-line for investors. Equity from investors is like a loan that the buyer of your company pays back. You need to talk in detail about the different classes of buyers, why they would buy you, what they would value you for, what kinds of multiples they might be expected to pay, and what milestones you need to hit to command those prices.

It is not easy to step back and look at your story objectively enough to spot where it is thin. But there are a few critical big picture elements that you cannot afford to blow past. Covering the above topics adequately is going to be the key to convincing investors that your company and team is one that just might reach exit velocity and escape rather than fall back out of orbit and burn up on the way down.

25 Mistakes To Avoid When Pitching Investors

You finally have your chance to pitch some investors. Your business concept may be solid. But are you aware that there are at least 25 otherways you might shoot yourself in the foot? Avoid them all with this checklist, segmented into three sections from easiest to hardest.

Managing Your Audience

There is some basic legwork required before you show up to pitch. It is not hard, it is just work to complete before you walk into the room:

Make sure you have a copy of the presentation guidelines, preferences and investor customs of the group you are pitching. Make sure to respect and follow them.
Do some research and networking to make sure there is at least one, if not several, fans or "champions" in the room. Champions can lend you their credibility and bail you out during the post-pitch discussions.
Review the preferences and portfolios of the investors--target your pitch accordingly. If there is no fit at all, spare yourself the bother.
Don't ask investors to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)--investors don't sign NDAs and they are not interested in stealing your great business idea. For truly sensitive patentable information, file a provisional patent application before raising money.
Managing Your Material

Unsuspecting entrepreneurs often make rookie mistakes with their material. Preparation and polish is all that is required.

Never stand up to pitch an investor if you cannot crisply explain what your company does in less than 25 words and state your value proposition in less than 50 (Here are some tips on packing that value prop into a moving elevator pitch).
Build a tight, clean deck -- don't use more than a handful or words on any one slide, don't use small font sizes, forget to label your axes, or use huge tables of numbers.
Avoid elaborate slide builds or animations that make it impossible to go backwards or ad-lib. Plus, complicated slideshow features can be buggy and introduce embarrassing glitches that throw you off balance.
Don't jump right into the middle--set some ground work to engage your listener with your story.
Do not rely on a complicated demo or video as part of your pitch--a simple demo or screenshot is all you have time for.
If you don't know the answer to a question, don't guess, unless you say you are guessing, and you explain the basis for your guess.
Don't over-promise or make super-human claims. Focus on what you are pretty sure you can do, not what you think you maybe you can do. Investors can smell B.S. a mile away.
Don't bring a massive, overly long slide deck--boil it down like maple syrup, to the 10-15 key slides and throw the rest into an appendix.
Don't present numbers that you have not sanity-checked with both a bottoms-up and a top-down analysis. Benchmarks are your friend--use them. Hate to break it to you, but you are unlikely to have revenue of $10M per employee.
Avoid presenting numbers you cannot account for or explain how you arrived at. Even if you are not the numbers person on your team, you need to understand them all.
Managing Yourself

Often the person doing the pitch is her own worst enemy. Even if your deck is great, and the underlying story is compelling, it is easy to mess up the delivery.

Even if you are worried about time, don't nervously rush through your early slides. It is essential to build your story on a foundation and let people acclimate to you and your idea. If you lose them early on, you will never get them back.
Don't go in unpracticed, relying on notes or index cards, or simply reading your slides. Failing to practice is not a perception you want to create.
Don't run over your allotted time (nor should you mess up your team choreography).
Listen carefully to the full question, and answer what is actually being asked. Repeat it if necessary to ensure you got it right.
A sense of humor is great, but avoid being flip, cocky or glib in your presentation. Sorry, but these people don't know you well enough to get your sense of humor.
Never preface an answer with the reminder that "you are not a business person."
Don't mumble, whisper or equivocate; it is essential to project your voice powerfully and to be strong and confident (practice until you at least appear strong and confident).
Body language matters: smile and show some passion for what you are doing.
In particular, don't forget to smile while a question is being asked and consider adopting the habit of saying "that's a good question" on the tough ones.
Don't be offended or take a persistent line of questions personally. It is your fault if they don't understand what you are trying to say.
Don't rebut or argue with questions. The point is not to prove them wrong, it is to educate them on your opportunity. You win by educating them to your view.
Pitching is hard to master. It requires some practice. But if you take the time to do some prep work by mastering the list above, you can avoid including basic mistakes into the mix.

Profits. Talk of profits, overestimated profits, the failure to understand that investors make money on growth, not profits; startups with high growth rates are rarely profitable; profits in high-growth startups stunt growth and reduce the odds of successful exit. That’s why you need to spend other people’s money, right?
---> GROW VS PROFITS (Excell)

“I don’t need no stinking projections.”
Expecting me to believe your numbers.
Discounted cash flow. IRR and NPV
The annoying myth that nobody reads business plans
Knowing everything.
I don’t want people who get all defensive when challenged.
The small piece of a huge market
Oversharing the science or technology
Not needing the money.
(bonus point) The way overused stock phrases that have been diluted to meaningless


* How do you know if your tech startup idea is good or not?
IF AND ONLY IF you deliver the right amount of VALUE that your customers want enough to be willing to open their wallets and give you money in exchange of your delivered VALUE!
Don’t analyze only the idea of your product or market. Focus on the overall VALUE that the product or service delivers!
Execution is the second obstacle to tackle in your journey to achieve success!
Consumers do not buy what you sell. They buy what has value to them.

* Bill Gross: La sencilla razón por la que compañías emergentes tienen éxito - TED Talk - |
Why startup succeed?
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. -Victor Hugo

Ojo, en todo esto las variaciones pueden ser inmensas: no es lo mismo un equipo que otro, un track record que otro, unos años que otros y un desarrollo de la empresa que otro. Hablo de estándares para el común de los mortales.
Si una startup tiene activos mucho más poderosos, habrá que pagarlos.


All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. -Victor Hugo

* ### Other than email lists and social media, how do you start marketing a B2B company?

Title                                  | URL
Other than email lists and social media, how do you start marketing a B2B company? |
How do you know if your tech startup idea is good or not? - Quora |
What are the best ways B2B lead generation with quality? - Quora |
What is the most common mistake made when pitching your business to potential investors? - Quora |
5 Top Lead Generation Companies and How to Choose One |
4 B2B Marketing Strategies That Deserve Help from an Agency |
B2B Lead Generation Services and Appointment Setting - Callbox |
Lead Generation Software - B2B List Building Tool - Build Sales & Marketing Prospect Lists Online |
Unomy - B2B Sales and Marketing Intelligence – Official Website |

Software tools

eMail Prospector
Clickback MAIL
Meeting scheduler

Email address finders
LeadGrabber Pro
Email automation


domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

2018.01.08 (W02)

2018.01.08 (W02)


* Communicating with Confidence
1h 28m General Released: June 3, 2015 · 5 chapter quizzes

use a power pose b4 the presentation
Take control bt asking one question at the beginning of the presentation
One thought, one face
I am not important, what is important is the information coming out of me
Looking strong can give us genuine confidence - When we are genuinely confident, hormones like endorphins and dopamine give us strong body language and conviction in our voice.

*  Influencing Others
1h 21m General Released: April 21, 2014

Who to influence, who takes the decision?
Guide them from were they are to were you want them to be.
 why thet react like they do? put in their shoes

2. How to Choose the Best Influence Methods for Your Situation
1.How to use the influence advantage checklist (In progress)
2.Provide rational analysis (In progress)
3.Cite credible sources (In progress) -Save Cite credible sources
4.Reference legitimate policies, rules, or standards (In progress)
5.Establish urgency or scarcity (In progress)
 Make it clear why now is the time to act and clarify what they will lose or miss without action.
6.Demonstrate pain and gain (In progress)
 What concerns, risks, or problems can I prevent or what penalties can they avoid?
7Build alliances and coalitions (In progress)
8.Use social proof (In progress)
 By pointing out national trends in the direction you want people to behave, and sharing testimonials.
9.Initiate reciprocation or exchange (In progress)
 help people see they are doing pogress even if they are not doing it
10.Encourage commitments and consistency (In progress)
 Look for positive and relevant ways to encourage people to make public, active, and voluntary commitments.
 put the negative b4 the positive stament
11.Present striking comparisons or contrasts (In progress)
 Make your ideas simple, specific, and surprising, with images to evoke a reaction that resonates.
 usea surprise to talk about something. something they dont speck
12.Add impact to your ideas (In progress)
 Focus on values and principles and connect to the broader purpose of their work and lives.
13.Align with shared values, principles, or purposes (In progress)
14.Connect to strategy or high-level goals (In progress)
15.Build rapport, relationships, and trust
 What will be the best outcome of this meeting
 Ask people in your conversations or projects what would make a great outcome for them
16.Like and be likable
use inclusive term like - us, we, our
Look for commonalities between each other, the rarer the better, and praise qualities you genuinely like.
17.Request help or advice
Ask for advice in ways that reinforce the respect you have for them, and always express gratitude.
18.Be influenceable
allow youself to lear from others
A leader tells her team their contributions initiated the solution and had a positive effect on her personally.
18.Lead by example
Leading by example is shown when you do yourself what you want others to do, and then tell them how you did it and why it worked.

Turn objections into actions
objection are not only obstacles, but clues
thread objection as invitations to learn what really matters most to the people you want to influence
turn objections agains you into actions for them
Energetically explore the objectives to understand them better.

3. How to Make Your Influence Welcomed and Wanted
Go for more than results (In progress)
Influence to inspire
 How do you influence others? - especial people that the influence you
 pay forward - what the most influencers did for me?

Use gratitude - how they help you


* How does a startup handle enterprise sales? - Quora |
Hire account executives (sales) and SDRs who already worked for enterprise-size companies in the past
Get some “logos” (big names) as customers early on
Prepare case-studies, testimonials and company/product decks
Prepare for a longer sales cycle (compared to mid-market clients)
Involve more than one person from your end and their end
Use an effective (yet affordable) enterprise-B2B sales stack: Salesforce, Unomy, Salesloft, Yesware, Leadfeeder, RingCentral / TalkDesk, Docusign, Marketo, Pipedrive, etc.
Provide additional training.
Establish a customer success pipeline.
Go out your way to show what sort of ROI they can expect.
Figure out who will make the purchasing decision.
Understand the purchasing evaluation process.
Establish a personal relationship with champions and buyers.

Expect long sales circles:
Realize deals might fall apart (even if you do everything right): I
Sell to multiple stakeholders:
Don't underprice:
Remember decisions are made by employees, not "the company":
Start doing enterprise sales before your product is ready:
Start mid-market. Move up:

* Should we distribute our product first, or should we advertise first? - Quora |
You need strategy! STOP and THINK how you can make people WANT your product!
To answer that very complex question you need to get out of your office, knock on doors and talk to potential customers!
Show them your product, ask for their most honest opinion. Ask the right questions, even if you don’t like them!
Most importantly LISTEN TO THEM!
With their feedback, go back to work to give them what they want.
Repeat this process over and over again until they beg for your product!

* What is business strategy?
Strategy is identifying your competitive advantage and focusing all your energy and resources on one, or a very few, pivotal objectives which will lead to a cascade of positive outcomes.

Bus Plan -> Lo que hay que conseguir es que el cliente haga ... ---> PLAN
Bus Strategy -> Buscar ser noticias en temas que ya estan pasando.
Como hacer un bussines plan dinamico? Que apartados poner

* Best Startup Ideas?
The best startup ideas are those that serve one or more of the basic human needs. Some of the basic human needs are:
A.The need for certainty: gain pleasure and avoid pain
 Best ideas come from personal frustration
 Solve a hard problem -> Which pain? Which need we feel?
B.The need for significance: feel unique and special
C.The need for growth: expand knowledge and skills

* Make intangible tangible (help visualize)
When selling an intangible product, do the same. Help the customer to visualise the benefit by creating an imagery for him
The best way to sell something intangible is to make it tangible. Help the person to visualise, help the person to feel.
If your message is that you do something that is already expected, just better, well… that’s not going to generate much market buzz. Maybe you should consider other differentiators?

* Address it soon with a precise solutiom
First tip is - be precise and get to the point as quickly as you can. You need to show the benefits of your product or service, not just key selling points, You need to refer the features of the product with the peculiarities of their business, You need to show the precise benefits and represent solution, So, be prepared and find out the details of their buisness situation.

domingo, 7 de enero de 2018

2018.01.01 (W01)

2018.01.01 (W01)

Habits to follow (from the best life-changing books + other places).
List of habits (HabitCoach)

To be in the daily schedule
Check habit list (HabitCoach)
Check to do list
Answer a question
One thing
Self‐Fueled Goals

* work 100% only on your strength then it can be a life changer, and the level of weakness becomes negligible to the success you gain finally.

* Reprogramme yourself
you are born ...

* Warren Buffett How To Turn A $500 Investment Into $400M Dollars

As it is important to focus on running th business.
You must never forget the main reason for your business to exist in the first place..... The Customer

Why do businesses exist?
> To provide goods and services
> To make money for the owners
> To provide help and support to others (e.g. a social enterprise)
> As a source of employment for the owners

* How Bill Gates reads books
For short, his 4 rules
1 -  Take notes in the margins (anything, facts, opinions, any)
to force and check thinking
2  - Don't Start What You Can't Finish
Is it worth it? - in time it will take you
3 - Paper > E-books
4 - Block OUT 1 HOUR
to focus, it's something that can't be 5-10 mins.



* Cómo Hacer un Plan de Negocios en 10 Sencillos Pasos para Tener una Empresa Eficaz

Ordenar idea
Ruta clara hacia donde vas
Comunicar con tu equipo y socios

-> Hacerlo al final
-> Es viable? Lo has testeado? Has recopilado dato? Lo tienes contrastado?
-> Si lo hacemos antes solo estaremso justificando pq nuestro modelo de negocio es bueno
-> 20 Pg como max (simplificar datos que has recompilado con el mercado)

Muchos emprendimientos fallan precisamente por falta de un buen enfoque a la hora de diseñar su plan de negocios. La viabilidad es vital.

1.Resumen Ejecutivo (Se hace al final)
 Resumen para que el inversor decida si quiere seguir leyendo o no
 No dejarse ningun dato clave

2.Propuesta de valor
 Que ofreces - producto/servicio
 Como es? Que precio tiene? Como funciona el producto y servio? Como funciona la propuesta de valor?
 Como llega el clente potencial a esa PV? Como acaba opteniendo esa PV?
 Como funcion a para el cliente desde su punto de vista y de la empresa?

3.Modelo de negocio
La PV siempre va integrado en un MN
Pequeños matices?
Las diferentes partes del negcio que hemso testeado con los clientes
Que tipo de modelo (sub, premium...)?
Claves del exito de nuestro MN?
Proyecciones de MN? (Va a evolucionar, se va aquedar asi)
Estructuta de costes?
 Como adquieres a tus clientes?
Socios claves?
KPI (como de sano esta tu negocio y hacia donde vamos)

Explica la trayectoria del mercado
 Historico (creciendo, decreciendo...), hacia donde va, proyecciones
 Pq es una buena oportunidad de entrar ahora
 Matices que solo yo me haya dado cuenta al estudiarlo
Como se como e sl afoto del mercado? (analizar competidores)
 Tiene potencial de crecimiento?
 Analizar competencia - cuales son su proyecciones, crecen, decrece, caunto invierten en I+D

5.Ruta al mercado
Como entarr en el ?
Como acercarnos a el?
NO Estrategias unicas y esporadicas (youtubers, influencers...)
SI Estrategias replicables a futuro
 Con datos a largo plazo y que tenga sentido (??? en nuestro caso???)
Que nicho atacamos? (a quien ataco exactamente)
 Facilitar entender a equipo/inversor de entender como vamso a llegar a ellos

6.Equipo (lo primero que ven)
Quien esta detras
Esperiencia, conocimiento de mercado, como nos compenetramos,
pq nosotros somos los idoneos para ejecutar este plan de empresa
Descripcion de cada persona
 que ha echo hasta ahora? que habilidades tiene

7.Traccion (En que momento estamso actualmente)
Hitos hasta ahora
Que objetivos te has puesto y como has llegado a allos
Usuarios/clientes tenemos

Que vas ha hacer en un futro
que onjetivos tienes
Que vas ha hacer con el dinero?
Como vas a llegar

Flujo de caja (importante)
 Cuando vasa a morir?, cuanto dinero necesitas?

10.Por que invertir?
Que estamos pidiendo?
Recalcar pq somos los idoneos y como nuestra empresa va  atenre un gran ROI

What we do?
 Product proposition

 Market size
 Market evolution
 Market trends

What makes us unique
Competitive advantages
Business model
Revenue stream-business model

* FAQ:
Cuestiones a responder para hacer el plan de empresa

Con quien me quiero comparar, articulos a info relacionada
Cual es el customer journey de nuestro cliente?
Cual es el plus que le das que cierra el circulo?
Cosass que pueden hacer perder valor al producto?
Que han prometido los grandes en los ultimos años?
Why we are not selling?
 No copywrite (PP,WEB,Video)
 No contacts
 No name
Traparente – no queda claro lo de trasparente
 Los algoritmos mejoran gestión aplicaciones
Actividad de la empresa - Esplicar lo que hace, no lo que es. ION

Que funcionalidades le puedo dar a la web? que quiero que hagan con la web???
ION usar un perfil de facebook con el perfil de nuestros posibles clientes para ver que tipo de publicidad les pone
Los gurus que mas escuchan ---->
Intentar salir en medios famoso (ej:las paginas de la UVE)
Cuando tengamso la web poner un twit diciendo q tenemso pagina web

They say there is not greater incentive than the money, so...
We will give 10% to anyone that helps us selling the IP or getting money


### How would a founder convert a product into a business? - Quora

Title                                  | URL
How would a founder convert a product into a business? - Quora |
Home - Quora |
Why do so many small businesses fail? |
Home - Quora |
Is it possible to devote your whole life to entrepreneurship and have no successes? |
If you read a book once a week for one year, what will happen to you? |
What is your one important 'must-achieve' goal for 2018? - Quora |
How can you tell an amateur web developer from a professional? |
Is it illegal to install OS X on non-Apple Hardware, aka 'Hackintosh'? |

Note: This term can be applied in very different scenarios and conditions, The best way to convert a product into a business, is through the business model.


Management & Leadership
Psychology & Personal Growth
Health & Fitness

Section 1: Understanding Success
Section 2: Learning & Skill Development
Section 3: Getting Stuff Done
Section 4: Innovating

* The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Laws to Enhance Happiness, Mindfulness, and Influence (Inglés) Tapa dura – 10 may 2016
de Vishen Lakhiani  (Autor)
### The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms by Vishen Lakhiani | Goodreads

--- BRIEF ---
14 concrete actions that can be easily implemented in one’s life.
However, some of actions can be combined, which makes it much simpler.
I implemented around 10 of them, and this is how I did it.

Dont atach happiness to every goal = Happyness is more than goals
Dont be afraid to fail = Fail but fail fast

--- A ---

1.6 Phase Guided Meditation
Some of the things mentioned in the book that are covered by the six phases of meditation are:
 The power of gratitude
 Live in blessing
 Create self-love
 Discover your quest

2.Envision your life
3 Most Important Questions.

Goal setting is an absurd practice that I gave up long ago.
It simply is too dangerous when done without the right training.
In short, we get obsessed with the 'means', rather than the 'end'.
Ther aretwo types of goals: means goals and end goals.
 Means goals are ones that usually come from culturescape and are not really connected with our deep desire.
  A good example of a means goal is: I will finish studying so I can become an entrepreneur.
 End goals - the correct mission statement should include the vision of your perfect life and what you want to experience.

PART 1: Set Self‐Fueled Goals
Set self fuel goals to reliable generate hapines so you can set to persued large goals with nothing to loose
Base expirient within your control, your power, no one can take them away from you! --->
How long it takes to fill each everyday?
1.To feel loved, I can: ___________________________________ (Smiling people talking to me - simplejo)
2.To feel a sense of growth, I can: _____________________ (Feel up my Diary Routing)
3.To have an amazing experience, I just need to: ______ (Feel Free - Freedom)

PART 2: Ask Three Important Questions
Expiriences you want -> How you need to grow to have dos expirences + how you will contribute to the world as a result
You will be happy + fulfill -> its all about experiencing live!

1.If time and money were no object, and I didn't have to seek anyone’s permission, what experiences would I want to have?
 See the environment you want to live in, the adventures you want to have, and the things you want to experience with your friends and family.
2.How will I need to grow to have those experiences?
 See yourself growing physically, intellectually, and spiritually to become your best self. See the skills you need to develop to have the experiences you desire. 
3.As a result of growing, how will I be able to give back to the world? 
 See yourself having an impact on your family, your company, and your community. See the ways you are able to share your creative self with the world.

travel with the family with no worries (money,safety)
create my own succesfull companies
help other create their companies fulfill their dreams
big wedding/party with everyone
fligh - caida libre
be remeber as something especial by many but without being famous
disapear (be alone and free, do nothing)

Schedule better my time
Be super organise
Get the skills of a leader - confident, convincing, apealing, trusfull, empathetic, solve situations, dialogante, clever
Be healthy and fit - able to play football 73kg 10%fat
Meet interesting and powerful people

Improve football to the next level
Make my players/people around me: question things, educated, self thinking, good with others, fighters, justos
Make people happier
Make people wanting to do things for others voluntarily

3.Be happy now, not later
Our brains are literally hardwired to perform at their best not when they are negative or even neutral, but when they are positive.
I strongly believe that if you truly want to change the world and contribute to humanity, you should start with your happiness.

--- B ---
Key takeaways are:
1) don't live by society's rules, decide what is appropriate for you, university, a particular career path may not be right for you
2) overcome limiting beliefs, believe in yourself
3) trust your intuition - be guided in which customers to call
4) visualise success
5) exercise
6) meditate
7) have a quest/mission in life

Title                                  | URL
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms by Vishen Lakhiani - Goodreads |
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Laws to Enhance Happiness, Mindfulness, and Influence: Vishen Lakhiani: Libros en idiomas extranjeros |
THE CODE OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MIND by Vishen Lakhiani - Animated Core Message - YouTube |
Microsoft Word - The Code of the Extraordinary Mind |
Actions from this book probably changed my life more than from any other - Get app |
- HabitCoach app |
- HabitCoach app |
Get HabitCoach app |
HabitCoach - Actionable Books on the App Store |
Mindvalley - YouTube - YouTube |
The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself - YouTube |
3-most-important-questions.pdf | file:///Users/unai/Downloads/3-most-important-questions.pdf
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind |
Mindvalley Academy - Ultimate Personal Growth Online University |
The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself |
6 Phase Guided Meditation by Vishen Lakhiani - YouTube |
Omvana - Meditation for All on the App Store |
