domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

2018.01.08 (W02)

2018.01.08 (W02)


* Communicating with Confidence
1h 28m General Released: June 3, 2015 · 5 chapter quizzes

use a power pose b4 the presentation
Take control bt asking one question at the beginning of the presentation
One thought, one face
I am not important, what is important is the information coming out of me
Looking strong can give us genuine confidence - When we are genuinely confident, hormones like endorphins and dopamine give us strong body language and conviction in our voice.

*  Influencing Others
1h 21m General Released: April 21, 2014

Who to influence, who takes the decision?
Guide them from were they are to were you want them to be.
 why thet react like they do? put in their shoes

2. How to Choose the Best Influence Methods for Your Situation
1.How to use the influence advantage checklist (In progress)
2.Provide rational analysis (In progress)
3.Cite credible sources (In progress) -Save Cite credible sources
4.Reference legitimate policies, rules, or standards (In progress)
5.Establish urgency or scarcity (In progress)
 Make it clear why now is the time to act and clarify what they will lose or miss without action.
6.Demonstrate pain and gain (In progress)
 What concerns, risks, or problems can I prevent or what penalties can they avoid?
7Build alliances and coalitions (In progress)
8.Use social proof (In progress)
 By pointing out national trends in the direction you want people to behave, and sharing testimonials.
9.Initiate reciprocation or exchange (In progress)
 help people see they are doing pogress even if they are not doing it
10.Encourage commitments and consistency (In progress)
 Look for positive and relevant ways to encourage people to make public, active, and voluntary commitments.
 put the negative b4 the positive stament
11.Present striking comparisons or contrasts (In progress)
 Make your ideas simple, specific, and surprising, with images to evoke a reaction that resonates.
 usea surprise to talk about something. something they dont speck
12.Add impact to your ideas (In progress)
 Focus on values and principles and connect to the broader purpose of their work and lives.
13.Align with shared values, principles, or purposes (In progress)
14.Connect to strategy or high-level goals (In progress)
15.Build rapport, relationships, and trust
 What will be the best outcome of this meeting
 Ask people in your conversations or projects what would make a great outcome for them
16.Like and be likable
use inclusive term like - us, we, our
Look for commonalities between each other, the rarer the better, and praise qualities you genuinely like.
17.Request help or advice
Ask for advice in ways that reinforce the respect you have for them, and always express gratitude.
18.Be influenceable
allow youself to lear from others
A leader tells her team their contributions initiated the solution and had a positive effect on her personally.
18.Lead by example
Leading by example is shown when you do yourself what you want others to do, and then tell them how you did it and why it worked.

Turn objections into actions
objection are not only obstacles, but clues
thread objection as invitations to learn what really matters most to the people you want to influence
turn objections agains you into actions for them
Energetically explore the objectives to understand them better.

3. How to Make Your Influence Welcomed and Wanted
Go for more than results (In progress)
Influence to inspire
 How do you influence others? - especial people that the influence you
 pay forward - what the most influencers did for me?

Use gratitude - how they help you


* How does a startup handle enterprise sales? - Quora |
Hire account executives (sales) and SDRs who already worked for enterprise-size companies in the past
Get some “logos” (big names) as customers early on
Prepare case-studies, testimonials and company/product decks
Prepare for a longer sales cycle (compared to mid-market clients)
Involve more than one person from your end and their end
Use an effective (yet affordable) enterprise-B2B sales stack: Salesforce, Unomy, Salesloft, Yesware, Leadfeeder, RingCentral / TalkDesk, Docusign, Marketo, Pipedrive, etc.
Provide additional training.
Establish a customer success pipeline.
Go out your way to show what sort of ROI they can expect.
Figure out who will make the purchasing decision.
Understand the purchasing evaluation process.
Establish a personal relationship with champions and buyers.

Expect long sales circles:
Realize deals might fall apart (even if you do everything right): I
Sell to multiple stakeholders:
Don't underprice:
Remember decisions are made by employees, not "the company":
Start doing enterprise sales before your product is ready:
Start mid-market. Move up:

* Should we distribute our product first, or should we advertise first? - Quora |
You need strategy! STOP and THINK how you can make people WANT your product!
To answer that very complex question you need to get out of your office, knock on doors and talk to potential customers!
Show them your product, ask for their most honest opinion. Ask the right questions, even if you don’t like them!
Most importantly LISTEN TO THEM!
With their feedback, go back to work to give them what they want.
Repeat this process over and over again until they beg for your product!

* What is business strategy?
Strategy is identifying your competitive advantage and focusing all your energy and resources on one, or a very few, pivotal objectives which will lead to a cascade of positive outcomes.

Bus Plan -> Lo que hay que conseguir es que el cliente haga ... ---> PLAN
Bus Strategy -> Buscar ser noticias en temas que ya estan pasando.
Como hacer un bussines plan dinamico? Que apartados poner

* Best Startup Ideas?
The best startup ideas are those that serve one or more of the basic human needs. Some of the basic human needs are:
A.The need for certainty: gain pleasure and avoid pain
 Best ideas come from personal frustration
 Solve a hard problem -> Which pain? Which need we feel?
B.The need for significance: feel unique and special
C.The need for growth: expand knowledge and skills

* Make intangible tangible (help visualize)
When selling an intangible product, do the same. Help the customer to visualise the benefit by creating an imagery for him
The best way to sell something intangible is to make it tangible. Help the person to visualise, help the person to feel.
If your message is that you do something that is already expected, just better, well… that’s not going to generate much market buzz. Maybe you should consider other differentiators?

* Address it soon with a precise solutiom
First tip is - be precise and get to the point as quickly as you can. You need to show the benefits of your product or service, not just key selling points, You need to refer the features of the product with the peculiarities of their business, You need to show the precise benefits and represent solution, So, be prepared and find out the details of their buisness situation.

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