domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

2018.01.22 (W04)

2018.01.22 (W04)


* Most important of each ---->
what do you want them to:
 think - inform, update, persuade, convince, intructed
 feel - motivated, wanted to talk, happy, intrigue, nptice personal qualities....
 do - action - be specific (what with who when ION last slide)

* How to Build a Genius Brand
1.Get personal - target the individual (loyality programe, higly targeted msgs)
2.Make it easy - take all the friction out of the way (site efficiency and shopabble)
3.Facilitate handoff - populate with good info sites where your customer can buy from you
4.Investing strategically - mobile and video higgher ROI (innovate for mobile espicence)
5.Going back to the store - integrate online and offline


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